Thursday, November 19, 2009

NBC programming to include pro-environmental messages

NEW YORK — The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) is taking its "Green is Universal" campaign to prime-time by writing pro-environmental messages in the scripts of five of its popular television programs, according to the Mother Nature Network.

According to the story, environmental themes were also added to the scripts of "30 Rock," "The Biggest Loser," "The Office," "Heroes" and "Community."

Several NBC shows have done much to reduce their carbon footprints off-stage, including: Using filtered tap water instead of plastic water bottles; using chemical-free cleaning products; renting hybrid vehicles to transport actors and crew members; and making company facilities more eco-friendly, the story stated.

Jack McBrayer, the actor who portrays Kenneth on "30 Rock," said: "It's something that is relatable and is something that a lot of people are doing. Everybody is on board with greening up the place and being more environmentally-friendly in real life. Every now and then, people need to be reminded of things that can be done."

Examples of the pro-environmental messages include: "30 Rock" corporate boss Jack Donaghy telling the late-night show's staff that it has to cut its carbon footprint by 5 percent; Dwight from "The Office" takes the role of Recyclops; "Heroes" features cast members filling a truck with recyclables and talking about the importance of giving back to the Earth; and in the comedy "Community," the college is renamed Environdale, the story noted.

Click here to read the complete article.

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